Timing of fees payment is as follows:

Sunday to Thursday - 08:00 AM to 12:00 PM for KG I to Class X.

Sunday to Thursday - 08:00 AM to 2:00 PM for AS and A-2.

Break - 10:00 AM to 10:20 AM

1. Please present the latest receipt at time of payment.
2. Please bring the exact amount.
3. Please do not present torn, dirty, or illegal/fake notes.
4. Fees are to be paid by the 15th of each month. A fine of TK. 10/- levied for each day from 16th onward.
5. Two months fees must be paid together, i.e. November and December before Half Yearly Exam. and May and June before Final Exam.
6. All dues must be paid before the Half yearly and Final Exams. Otherwise the child can not sit for the exams.
7. If dues are outstanding for two months i.e. after 15th of second month the child's name is automatically off the Register.
8. Class X, XI, XII : Monthly fees and all other dues with school must be paid up to June before CAIE Enrollment / Registration.
9. A fine of TK. 10/- will be charged for loosing the payment card.

Thank you for your co-operation.